Saturday, June 25, 2016


So what comes next after you turn 1 year old, you get a haircut!! We decided to take Hudson to pigtails and crewcuts in Murfreesboro since we knew they had fun little seats for them. Hudson did really well at his first haircut and we were in and out pretty quick without any tears! Woo Hoo!!!

Here you can see she was just starting and he had pretty long hair, and although I was sad to see his baby hair go, I love how it turned out!

All finished!! He didn't look much like a baby after this haircut, and I started to realize my baby would soon be a toddler. We decided to do the first haircut package so she took before and after pictures as well as provided us with the clippings from his haircut.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

10 months! Easter, and fishing

Hudson has hit double digits! Makes me sad to know my little baby is growing up and will soon be 1 year old. He is eating everything we are eating now. He has stood for a few seconds without holding on to anything and acts like he wants to walk. He also now walks behind his walker and pushes it through the house. I think he will for sure be walking by his birthday as he is one determined little guy!!

We had Easter this month and all went to church. 

Then spent the rest of the day fishing with my mom and some friends! We took Hudson's play table and he seemed to have a blast watching us and playing. 

I have to say I love how close we are raising Hudson with his cousins! We spend every Sunday doing a family dinner and then sometimes Hudson spends time with them during the week when my dad has the twins! Here is a pic of one day when my dad went to help my brother put together Liam's swing set and Hope was watching Hudson! I just love this little guy!!

9 Months

Hudson has mastered pulling up! He pulls up on everything and loves to just stand. 

He has also gained 3 more teeth, meaning he has 4 teeth! All front ones! He started by getting his bottom teeth and now has two of the cutest little front two teeth too! He loves oranges, apples and sweet potatoes are still a favorite!

He know claps on his own and will stand up at the play gate, and pop up and down playing peek a boo, melts my heart. 

He has learned to shake his head back and forth like he is saying no, does this repeating us because we will do it over and over again cuz it's so stinkin cute. He also does it when he is full and doesn't want to eat anymore. He tried beets this month and surprisingly enjoyed them! 

Hudson had a 9month appointment which my dad took him to. He wasn't supposed to get any shots and my dad had him for the day however when he got down there he had to get shots. sad I missed it but my dad said he handled it like a champ.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

8 Months crawling!

Hudson is officially crawling!! He has been army crawling for sometime, however he is now crawling on all fours all the time! He also Loves to play patty cake! Hudson also got his first tooth and has been using it on lots of chunky foods! We are giving Hudson lots of foods from our plate now and he is loving it. He is definitly still a milk baby though and loves nursing. 

Valentines was this month and Hudson was definitly our little love bug! He went on a dinner date with Mark and I to a new sushi restaurant and we loved it! 

Hudson also received a pottery barn chair!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

7 months olds, Happy New Year!! Umm in March!

2015, Wow wondering how this year could get any better than what all we were blessed with in 2014. One thing that's new, Mark started school as of Jan 5th. He is officially a college student! He is going for Industrial Maintenance  at Shelbyville tech. Hudson has started army crawling everywhere. 

He is saying Dada, bye bye, and Hi-de. He has said momma once, but that's it! He is now eating chicken, Lima beans, corn, squash, zucchini, and egg yolks! He loves apples and I would even say they may be his favorite food! 

So to get into New Years resolutions, I'm not someone who usually sets one but I want to try and do better first with this blog... I have slacked on getting posts done on time! (Blew this one, and that's why I don't do resolutions!! Lol) Also I want to take too many pictures this year! Hudson is growing and changing so fast and I want to document this better! Also this year I get to start planning his 1st Birthday, yeah I know I should have plenty of time but these have been the fastest months of my life so I need to plan now! 

This month we also have a contract on our House and are supposed to close on it today!! (1/28/2015) Woo Hoo!!!! We are very excited and a little sad at the same time! This is the house Mark and I bought together, came home to as a married couple, and brought Hudson home to which truly started our family! Since we have been staying at my parents while it's been on the market (just easier with having a new baby and 4 dogs) Hudson never stayed in his room which Is actually my favorite room in our house, 

Anyways so the other night we were packing boxes and Hudson was getting sleepy so I went into his room fed and rocked him and layed him in his crib to sleep while we continued to pack. While I was sitting there rocking him I couldn't help but to look around the room and think that this would probably be the last and only time he would be rocked and put to sleep in his room. Sad :(  here is his room empty.

However this means a new journey and beginning due our family! We will now have the chance for Mark to go to school and to buy land and build!! 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

6 months, half way to having a 1 year old.

Hudson turned 6 months old on Dec.3rd. He has now had many different foods such as carrots, butternut squash, yogurt, oatmeal, apple, peaches, pears, chicken, green beans, lentils and peas to name a few! He has gotten eating down pretty well and you can see him imitating chewing. Also you better be ready because this is the reaction you now get when offering a bite! lol

Making baby food has also become a pretty fun hobby. I actually enjoy getting everything together and spending an afternoon making lots of new foods for him to try. Here is a pic when I had made the peas. From everything I have read it says peas are hard to make because of the skins, but with using a strainer they werent as bad as I was preparing myself for. Just threw them all in my steamer, then once they were soft, I mashed them through a strainer then mixed them with a blender and a little breast milk till they were the consistency i wanted!

Here he is enjoying some carrots. Another food I am happy that he enjoys, now I just hope that he still likes all of these when he is older.

When we took Hudson to his 6month check up we were happy to find out that at his next visit he will have no shots! It's always so hard watching this, although he did get over it faster at this visit compared to the last two. Our boy now weighs 14.9lbs and 26inches long. Doc calls him our peanut because he measures in the 4th percentile! Hudson still has his daddies noggin as it's in the 82nd percentile! He has really been trying to figure out how to crawl and gets up on all four while rocking back and forth. I feel like it will be any day now. He sits up for the longest by himself, but still hasn't figured out how to get to sitting up so for now we are still sitting him up. This month we also had his 6 month pics and I'm even more in love now that he is sitting up and jabbering with us. Each session he continues to get more fun and can't wait to see what he is doing by 9months!!

This month also meant Christmas... So We had Hudson's first Christmas!! We spent Christmas Eve with my (Margaret) side of the family at Ryan and Hopes house and then Christmas morning was a little different since we are staying at my parents house.. Mark and I started the morning by exchanging presents and opening Hudsons presents then when everyone else showed up we had breakfast with my mom, dad, Ryan, hope, all the babies, uncle Paul and my grandmother!  Then we exchanged presents with the rest of the family. Here is a pic of all the presents under the tree.

Once we all finished eating and opening presents it was time to get ready and head on out to Marks moms house to have Christmas with his side of the family. 
Again we ate, played dirty Santa, and all the kids opened their presents. Overall it was a great day and we have many blessing to be thankful for.

Here is Hudson wore out the day after Christmas!

5 months, FOOD!!

5 Months old!! Wow.. makes us happy to see him growing and changing but sad to know that before we turn around he will be starting kindergarten. Five months has brought some fun new milestones for Hudson. We have officially started him on baby food! I have decided to make all of it since it saves money, plus we know what he is getting! First we started with Avacado! Here he is in the bumbo on the first day!

At first I wasn't to sure if he liked it but by day two  it was obvious that he did! We decided to wait till he was about 5 and 1/2 months old before starting food since talking with his doctor and with what I read. I had at first thought I would wait till he was 6 months but with seeing how interested he was in us eating and how good he was doing with sitting up, we decided to give it a try a little early (plus we were excited to start a new milestone with Hudson) :) each new food we introduce we wait between 3-4 days to see if Hudson has any kind of reaction before going to the next. After 4 days of avacado we went on to sweet potatoes! These were an even bigger hit! Hudson gobbled them all up and by now he is opening up his mouth and leaning forward toward the spoon! Next, bananas, and no issues there as well! So then we were on to butternut squash and cereal! Each again haven't been an issue and Hudson seemed to enjoy! 

My sweet boy is definitely turning out to be a good eater!!

 Hudson has also gotten good at sitting up, and would rather be sitting up than laying down whenever you are holding him. He enjoys reading books, playing patty cake, and peek a boo. He also loves in the mornings when Mark and I will sing "Good Morning to you" to him and he will just talk and giggle the whole time!

 Also this happened... He has an interest in the Ipad whenever we are on it, so I have downloaded some games that he enjoys "playing".

5 months old also meant the month for Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving we got together with all of the family, and while Hudson didn't get to enjoy all of the yummy food, I had steamed pumpkin for him and he loved it.