Wednesday, April 22, 2015

10 months! Easter, and fishing

Hudson has hit double digits! Makes me sad to know my little baby is growing up and will soon be 1 year old. He is eating everything we are eating now. He has stood for a few seconds without holding on to anything and acts like he wants to walk. He also now walks behind his walker and pushes it through the house. I think he will for sure be walking by his birthday as he is one determined little guy!!

We had Easter this month and all went to church. 

Then spent the rest of the day fishing with my mom and some friends! We took Hudson's play table and he seemed to have a blast watching us and playing. 

I have to say I love how close we are raising Hudson with his cousins! We spend every Sunday doing a family dinner and then sometimes Hudson spends time with them during the week when my dad has the twins! Here is a pic of one day when my dad went to help my brother put together Liam's swing set and Hope was watching Hudson! I just love this little guy!!

9 Months

Hudson has mastered pulling up! He pulls up on everything and loves to just stand. 

He has also gained 3 more teeth, meaning he has 4 teeth! All front ones! He started by getting his bottom teeth and now has two of the cutest little front two teeth too! He loves oranges, apples and sweet potatoes are still a favorite!

He know claps on his own and will stand up at the play gate, and pop up and down playing peek a boo, melts my heart. 

He has learned to shake his head back and forth like he is saying no, does this repeating us because we will do it over and over again cuz it's so stinkin cute. He also does it when he is full and doesn't want to eat anymore. He tried beets this month and surprisingly enjoyed them! 

Hudson had a 9month appointment which my dad took him to. He wasn't supposed to get any shots and my dad had him for the day however when he got down there he had to get shots. sad I missed it but my dad said he handled it like a champ.