Hudson is eating 5-6 oz each feeding and still gets up every 4 hours, although a few times he has slept for 5 hours!
Here Hudson is the day his Aunt Hope and Uncle Ryan "kidnapped" him hanging with his cousins!!
During the month of October, I (Margaret) had a birthday and am now in my last year of my 20's (where did they go) :( .. We went to dinner with friends, Fulins and lots of Sushi, then we went to dinner with my parents and brother and sister in law, Fuji Habachi Grill!! Yumm! I had a great time both nights! Looking back over the last 9 years I have to say my life has been filled with many blessings and although I'm not trilled to be looking at 30 next year, I don't see how I could have made my 20's any better! So just to say it, Thank you GOD for all the blessing you have given me!
With that said Oct was a fun month! We have a little wiggle worm who rolls or maneuvers himself all over the floor, no more staying in one spot! He also has turned into quite the Hudenini and will try to flip over in his swing therefore now having to be buckled in because he has mastered it and does this quite fast! Thankfully we have not had any mishaps due to this.
We went to a pumpkin patch party for Hudson's friend Alex and got Hudson a pumpkin! We also went trick or treating as well as going to the Trunk or treat at church. 

Hudson with all his candy! He also got a toy from Nanna and Papa and money from Nanny!
Hanging out with all the cousins!
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