So on June 2, 2014 at 6:45pm, Mark and I made our way to St. Thomas Midtown where we were going to check in at 8pm to begin our induction at 9! We were so excited but really had no idea what was in store!! We packed up the car with all 7 bags (yes we really had this many!!) took Toby and Tanner to his brothers, and Tucker and Taylor to my parents! When we arrived at the hospital, they checked us in and took us to our room!
Waiting for the nurse to come start my induction!!
No turning back at this point, we were starting the process to get Hudson here, so at 9pm the nurse came and said she was going to start my induction with a pill that she placed on my cervix to help it soften, she found out I was already at a 1 as well which made me excited because I have been closed up till last week when I went to the doctor! She said she would be back around 1am to do the second pill and then they planned to start pitocin at 5am. When the nurse returned at 1am I was a 2 so we were slowly making progress and so far everything was going well so she gave me the second pill and said she would return. She had shared with me when I first got to the hospital that they would give me the epidural at any point when I wanted it, but they just liked for you to feel some contractions so you know what they are like. Well I had definetly started to feel the contractions but wanted to go at least till at least a 3. During the night the nurse did have to come in a few times to adjust Hudson's monitors but overall she allowed us to rest as much as possible (which was not much for me between contractions, the excitement, and Marks snoring).. And yes I did wake him up a few times telling him to roll on his sides so he would stop snoring LOL.
Once she came in to prepare for starting the pitocin I had started to have contractions pretty close together and it honestly felt like knives in my back. She went ahead and checked me again at which point I was a 3. I went ahead and told her id like to see about getting the epidural so she made the call. By the time I was able to get my epidural I was almost a 4, and the nurse had shared that it's always hardest to get to the 4 and seems to go quicker once you get to that point so I was happy with my progress. Once getting the epidural, literally all of the pain went away and I was just pressure. By this point it was almost 6am so she then started my pitocin once they finished the epidural.
After the pitocin was started the nurses began noticing drops in Hudson's heart rate when I would have a contraction. They felt that something was constricting his cord and had me move positions quite a few times trying to help his heart rate, they also went ahead and put me on Oxygen. Mark and I both became pretty nervous and couldn't stop watching the monitors. At this point we went ahead and called our families to let them know what was going on. Everyone said they would start getting ready and head up our way. They had called my doctor to let him know what was going on and he was on his way over but they said he was not too concerned at this point and just had them stop the pitocin. I can't say the same for myself though, I was telling Mark I'm ready for them to do whatever they need to in order to get him out!! I did not like seeing his heart rate drop.
My doctor arrived around 7:30am and went ahead and checked me, I was still a 4. He tried breaking my water but believed that it had already broke. He then explained how he thought my water being broke had removed the cushion around Hudson's cord therefore this was what was causing his heart rate to drop during contractions. He said since stopping the pitocin it was not affecting his heart rate as much but he still wanted to try something else to help it. I immediately ask if we need to do a C-section because I've already began mentally preparing myself for it. He calmly tells me that he does not think we are to that point but tells me that the operating room is right around the corner and they could have Hudson out in 5 mins if need be. This helps to calm me and he goes on to explain what he would like to try. He explains that he would like to put in an internal montior to see how intense my contractions are and that way they will know if they are strong enough on their own to help me progress..he also explained that they wanted to place a tube inside as well to push fluid back inside and see if this would create cushion for the cord. I was for whatever he thought would help, so he placed the monitor and the tube and began running fluid back inside my uterus to Hudson. Once this began they said my contractions were strong enough on their own and to progress my labor and therefore I did not need more pitocin. They also immediately began seeing a large improvement in Hudson's heart rate once they started the fluid.
After about an hour of trying to rest the nurse then came back in and said I had progressed to an 8!! I was shocked how fast it was moving along. We again called family and shared how quickly things were progressing and that they needed to get to the hospital. My dad had arrived at this point as he works in La Vergne and my mom was on her way. Marks mom and my grandmother were also on their way up. Here is a lovely picture my dad took...
It was about 45 minutes before they checked me again and saw that I was a 9 1/2! The nurse left this time for about 30 mins when she came back and said I was ready! My mom was able to make it right before I started pushing so we took some quick pictures with her and my dad before they left the room so we could start pushing.
It was about 11:20am when we began pushing and by the time they called the doctor over from his office and he was suited up, Hudson arrived at 11:55am!! He was a 6lb 4ounces, 19 1/4 inches long healthy baby boy!! They let Mark cut the cord and immediately handed him to me!! We were so excited and it was literally a flood of emotions! I instantly felt a love like I had never experienced, the love for Hudson, an even stronger love for Mark, and a whole new love and under standing for my parents and their love for me! We cried and we laughed and it is truly a moment in time I don't think either of us will ever forget, WE WERE NOW PARENTS!!!
Mark did such a good job documenting everything. I know we will cherish these pictures forever!!
He is the most beautiful baby boy I have ever seen, and I instantly felt an enormous love for someone I had just met!! My Son :)
Here are some picture over the next couple of days in the hospital!
Getting ready to go home!!