It all started last August when we took a family trip to Florida! Hope and I had discussed wanting to have cousins close in age therefore we both decided to start trying. I have been on birth control for quite a few years so I figured it may take me a while before actually getting pregnant. After returning from Florida, we ended up spending quite some time at St Thomas hospital as my grandfather's heart valve had began leaking and his kidneys began shutting down. My grandfather made the decision to go ahead and go on Hospice care and passed away. The following day Mark and I found out we were pregnant, so we shared the need with all of our family at my grandparents home. The only ones who knew were Ryan and Hope because we wanted to put a shirt on Liam to make our announcement. Here is a picture of what his shirt said and the announcement we used to share it on Facebook.

For most of my pregnancy I felt pretty good! I was nauseous for the first 15 weeks but it was usually just in the mornings. I overall enjoyed being pregnant and feeling his kicks seemed so special, it was like I was the only one to know at all times when he was sleeping or doing jumping jacks in there!
I'm including pictures that were taken throughout my pregnancy...
Very first pic when we found out!
Hudson was due to arrive on May 30th but I ended up being induced on June 2nd and having him on June 3rd.
September 2013
My Birthday October 2013, still not showing a baby bump!
Predators game, October 2013.
Friends Thanksgiving! Nov. 2013
December 2013, finally seeing a bump!
Ugly Sweater Christmas party! December 2013.
16 weeks!
We had so much fun keeping the gender a secret until the gender reveal party!!
20 weeks!
It's a BOY!!!
After the reveal party it seemed to just fly by!!
Easter 2014.
Announcing his name! Auburn Hudson Bell!! Auburn was after my grandfather and Hudson we saw in a baby book and just loved it!
Being silly with the bump on snapchat!
March 2014
April 26th, 2014. We were able to be a part of our friends, John and Chrissy's wedding which took place in Destin Florida.
Early May 2014.
Pictures from our baby shower!
All the lovely ladies who hosted our baby shower! We are blessed with wonderful family and friends. Hudson will be loved by so many!
Blind folded and changing a diaper. Mark did awesome and I just barely beat him! ;)
We did our maternity session out on Marks families farm land. Hope and Ryan also did their pictures here and We all spent the day with Angela Zuill who did an awesome job!!
And lastly the last pic we took together as a family of 2!!
We took this on June 2nd as we were getting ready to head up to the hospital!